Website Consultation Service

How would you like a professional to analyze your existing website and then explain what you are doing right, wrong, and what you need to do to get better? Ultimately what you need to know to harvest more business out of your site. You know the saying: “Knowing is half the battle.” This is also true when trying to evaluate the effectiveness of your current website.

Out of necessity we offer an inexpensive complete consultation service for existing websites. Our consultation service will look at your marketplace and then completely analyze your current website, text, traffic, and conversion ratio. When finished we will provide a detailed report as to what you can do to make your website as efficient as possible. Basically provide one outline that will expose any weaknesses and advise as to how to fix these vulnerabilities that are affecting your daily sales and conversion ratio.

Having a nice looking website is only one small part of an overall equation for a successful website. In order to be as successful and as efficient as possible, every website should plan on addressing multiple issues at once:

  • Web design and layout.
  • Increase targeted traffic. (both quantity and quality)
  • Making your message better.
  • Increase conversion ratio.

Image of cube with lots of web design termsIf you only focus on your web design and layout you are missing the bigger picture. What good is a beautiful site that has little to no traffic? Now lets assume you market your site and after some time you are receiving great traffic. You have another serious problem in that, what good is the increased traffic if your message is not properly targeted? What will happen is your visitors will buy from your competitors. And last we need to make sure your conversion ratio is as high as possible. Lets say you can currently convert 1 in 1000 visitors. If you could modify a few small details and increase your conversion ratio by 5 times, then you would sell 1 in 200 visitors. Day in and day out your site would convert as much traffic as possible.

Your competitors would likely never know this. Most web design companies only focus on the look and layout of a site (#1 above) and increasing traffic through marketing (#2 above). Even if other marketers and/or web designers had the skills they likely would miss out on #3 and #4 above unless they were a larger firm with lots of experience. What this means is that most web design and marketing companies leave lots of your money on the table. It’s really not their fault after all, they design websites and market for a living and are busy doing so. They normally do not have the time to test long term to understand traffic yields, patterns, and likely don’t know much about increasing conversion ratios. Instead of being real life business people who sell their own products online globally, they sell services locally for a living. If you have the experience to dominate globally in highly competitive markets, you can surely dominate in a small local market with little competition.

It has been mentioned several times that we at Dayton Web Design own our own successful websites and we were business people before web designers and marketers. Since 2001 we have been analazying and testing modifications made to websites All 4 factors have to be addressed in order to be as efficient, and convert as much traffic into new business as possible. We have spent countless hours testing one word at a time with lots of traffic through Google AdWords for effectiveness. We have a firm understanding of marketplaces, what your customers are looking for, what questions they are asking while they are on your site, how to answer those questions, and how to harvest this business instead of them leaving and going to your competitors.

As you can see having a successful website is much more than design and even high quality traffic. Having an efficient website that has traffic and converts as much business as possible is not only smart but easily achieved. Every single word on your website affects your conversion ratio and the constant effectiveness of your overall message.

Consultation Globe ImageWith one consultation service will look at your marketplace and then completely analyze your website, text, traffic, and conversion ratio. We will then provide a full detailed report showing you what is right, what is wrong, and how to fix these issues. Consultations are inexpensive compared to any other service, but they provide professional advice that can be used for the life of your business. You can either allow us to fix these suggestions provided in your report, or you can go elsewhere to get these resolved.

Our website consultation reports are detailed and in depth. The full consultation examination takes several weeks to one month to complete, which allows us allows us time to gather accurate data and provide reliable results. The finished report is custom and hand assembled one word at a time, and always takes us at least one full day to compile and assemble. We never cut corners and our time of though on our finished reports will reflect this idealism.

We cannot think of one web service that is more valuable than a full consultation report of your existing website. This allows you to follow a plan of action and make the intelligent decisions necessary to make your website much more efficient.

Contact us today to have your site analyzed and when we are finished you will know exactly what is working, what isn’t working, and what needs to be fixed to harvest more business daily. Make sure you ask for our “consultation service” if you are interested in this service. It really is this simple!

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